For so many children, the only field they have run across, is a soccer or a baseball field. Many have never been to a real field—a waist-high, wade-through field. Or, a color speckled, flower-filled field. Or, a waving amber wheat field. The sorts of fields you run across or through—not to score a point or win a game—but, because running through the wild field would be a thrill of all thrills for a young racing heart, or young-at-heart.
Sometimes, you just need a meadow, trees, open skies, and a place to run. I know. After a lifetime growing up on the edge of a field, in a forest, alongside a muddy creek (or, crick as we called ours), I grew up and left to attend college in New York City. A nature-hearted girl is apt to pine for the quiet fields she left. And, I did. After 6 years of city dwelling, I returned to quiet earth with a husband and the beginnings of a family. But, I remember that even in the city, there are ways to enjoy a field, farm, and forest. Everyone, even city-dwellers, can find respite and joy in the solitude a rapturous run through a field can renew us with.
ways to enjoy outdoor play in a field
Grow your own If you have a yard, trade in your high-maintenance manicured turf for a the natural beauty of a wildflower or wild grass field—nature's organic lawn. The popularity of natural lawns is growing as we become more conscious of the time, expense, and harm to the environment caused by maintaining neatly-cut, green lawns. Trade in lawn chemicals and lawn mowing for a beautiful field of wild greens, golds, and flowers your children can run freely through.
Get lost—on purpose Autumn brings the corn harvest, and with it, the corn mazes open for children to run through and explore! Our nearby corn field mazes reach many feet above our heads, taking us into acres of golden landscapes. The meandering corn paths are a rapturous place to to run wild. The refreshing chill of autumn air leaves us rosy-cheeked and breathless with happiness.
Venture out Visit the endless prairies of South Dakota from the stories of Laura Ingall's Wilder. Before you go, enjoy the Little House on the Prairie stories and activities to share life on the prairie with your children. When you get there, you will find fields and fields—oceans of fields to run-like-you-are-flying through.
Berry and apple picking We visit different farmer's fields throughout the growing season to pick blueberries, strawberries, apples, and pumpkins. If you are visiting an apple farm, see our 25 very best apple projects and activities for kids.
Horseback riding Trail rides offer the opportunity to meander on trails through woods, hills, and fields from a new perspective. Trail rides are perfect for very beginner riders too! Riding stables can be found everywhere—even in quiet areas of cities. Discover trail rides in New York City, Washington DC, and in fields and forests near you. If your children are young and want to ride, check with the stables to see age or height restrictions before you go. Some allow double riding with young children.
Find a field Visit a city park, county park, state park, or national park. Open spaces have been preserved for everyone to enjoy—even if you are a city dweller. In NYC, I found respite from the city of cement, steel, and glass with weekend trips upstate to rivers, forests, and fields. In the heart of New York City, I could visit the fields of Central Park. If you call a city your home, visit the open space preserved within—or the free space nearby. If you live in the country, treasure the fields abounding around you.
run with a child, like a child, through a field

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