Treasure maps drawn. Pirate flags made. Handwritten clues in hiding. Head bandanas found to tie around little pirate heads.
A pirate ship sets sail across boisterous seas. Docking at a far-away port, the little pirate scouts aboard call out, "Oh no! We're in The Bad Land!" So, the little pirate explorers climb back on board the safety of their un-see-able pirate vessel, sailing away.
Children's pretend adventures are an improvised story. An unwritten story. A story so inventive, yet vivid and real in a child's imaginative mind. These great pretenders shape their own magical tales as they play. Of choppy seas and depths of unknown peril. Of great danger and escape. Of grand lands to explore. Of shark tails and pirate tales...
In eager anticipation of seafaring adventures, our children busily readied by creating illustrious play props. As much fun was had making the pirate flags, pirate maps and pirate costumes as playing with them. The concentrated occupation beheld on their paper pirate projects, their paper play, kept them from asking again and again if it was soon time for their little pirate playmates to arrive.
for your own pirate play
Make simple pirate flags, and pirate maps like our children, above.
Visit our list of suggested pirate books for adventurous reading adventures.
Collect treasures. See our post about the goodness of collecting.
Use our pirate printables to make ship flags or a pirate party!
Make your own pirate flag pancakes.
And, make your own cardboard pirate ship! ©heather cahoon • wordplayhouse®
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