So much can be garnered from a walk in nature. The chance to teach your little one the wonders of our outdoor world. To feel the sunshine on your face. To find quiet. To listen. To find natural art materials—
Embark on a nature scavenger hunt. Any time of the year. Gather acorns, dried leaves, twigs, dried seed pods, bark from fallen logs. The loveliness of the 'love nature walk project' is the gathering of these natural art materials. It is as satisfying as making the project. Relish your finding of nature things. Notice details. Show your little trekker partners the textures and colors of the season you are exploring. Savor your adventurous explorations.
Later, come inside and gather red or pink craft paint (optional), a piece of paper, a paint brush, white school glue, cardboard from a cereal or cracker box and ribbon.
1. Fold plain paper in half. Cut out heart. Ours were small, about 5" high. Cut another heart out from the middle. 2. Trace this heart onto cardboard (we recycled a cereal box). Cut out this heart shape. 3. Paint red or pink or leave natural. Glue nature scavenger hunt treasures onto this cardboard heart base. Let dry. 4. Glue loop of ribbon to the back to hang.
and I treasure his... and our special scavenger nature walk together.