Just like Jello. Almost. No colors added. No sugar added. Just juice and gelatin or pectin. That's it. So pure. So simple.
...any way you look at it...
...gelatin jewels
Here are two fun and easy sugar free jello recipes made with juice. The first recipe is made with pectin. The second is made with gelatin.
sugar free pectin jello recipe from Pomona's Universal Pectin
1 box pectin*
4 cups juice
Put 4 cups of your favorite juice in a pan. Add 4 tsp. calcium water (included in our box of Pomona's Universal Pectin). Stir well. Bring juice to a boil. Put 1 cup boiling juice in a blender or food processor. Add 4 tsp. pectin powder. Blend until all powder is dissolved (1-2 minutes). Add pectin-juice to rest of hot juice. Stir well. Pour hot jello into serving bowl or individual dishes. Refrigerate until well jelled.
*What is pectin? Pectin is used to jell jams and jellies. You will find it in the canning section of your grocery store (where they sell jars and lids for canning your own fruits or vegetables). It is made from plants and is a soluble fiber. Suitable gelatin option for vegetarians and vegans.
juice gelatin recipe our instructions adapted from the back of the Knox Blox box
4 envelopes unflavored gelatin (in the baking aisle of your grocery store)
1 cup cold fruit juice
3 cups fruit juice heated to boiling
This is an easy dessert recipe for kids who want to help. If you have a little assistant, have them sprinkle gelatin over cold juice in a large bowl. Let stand 1 minute. Add hot juice and stir until gelatin completely dissolves (the box says stir for 5 minutes but it really just takes a few stirs, less than a minute). Pour into a pan, a large bowl, individual glass containers or jello molds. Sometimes I let it cool slightly before pouring it into small paper cups with fun designs printed on them. Refrigerate until firm. If you use smaller individual-size containers the gelatin will set in as little as an hour. Small dishes or cups are what we always use—our jello enjoyers want the gelatin to set quickly so they can eat it quickly!
and for a little fun...
For our eager eaters, even an hour is too long to wait for our gelatin to 'set-up'. You'll have to take a look at the funny gelatin mischief I 'set up' for our young troop here. Our silly jello joke is a fun way to use these gelatin recipes for April Fool's Day...or to cheer up any day. Lots of jello jiggles and goofy giggles. ©heather cahoon • wordplayhouse®
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