Make your own wee treehouse for inside or outside imaginative pretend play You can make your own mini play treehouse with a few simple items found outside your home—a branch and twigs—and, some twine you may have already inside your home. This little treehouse will be a cherished plaything that is sure to endear any child who is wont of a full-size treehouse. And, the memory of your nature walk collecting your building materials for your child's forest play will be as grand as their play with the finished tree you build together.
We enjoyed making our own treehouse. And, we think it would be a wonderful birthday or holiday gift for a child. But, if you want to simply buy your own wee treehouse toys, we have shared sources for those too, in our post a treehouse for everyone {tree not required}. Enjoy your nature play. ©heather cahoon • wordplayhouse®
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